So last weekend Sony hosted their 3rd PlayStation Experience event and holy crap!! Sony Interactive Entertainment are actually listening to their fans. Not only a new remastered Crash Bandicoot has a new trailer AND is even playable at PSX. We even got re-remasters and re-releases of PlayStation's classic titles such as WipEout, Parappa the Rapper, LocoRoco, Patapon. And heck, we even saw some great surprise releases such as Let It Die, Lara Croft Go (thanks to KOOP for handling the PlayStation port), SNK's Garou Mark of the Wolves. And finally. FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 gets a PS4 port with all DLC included in which I guess Capcom's contract with MARVEL may have gotten renewed.
I'm glad Sony is focusing much more on the games than actual hardware and that makes me happy. And to me I find Shawn Layden a very awesome guy. Because one, he listens to his fans and two, he cares about the games even classic franchises. I'm just really excited and happy that my classic childhood in video gaming is finally coming back. We had a Abe's Oddysee remaster, a Shadow of the Beast reboot with the classic Amiga game included, a Ratchet & Clank remaster. Everything is coming back to me now. Now if only we can get a Spyro classic trilogy next.
And with all this success, the PlayStation 4 even managed to break the 50 million unit mark.
Even though that we don't have any more information on God of War and Days Gone. I can forgive that Bend Studio and Santa Monica weren't ready to reveal it just yet. I'm just going to leave the whole PSX Experience video here in case you have missed it. No wonder why Shawn was teasing me with that WipEout shirt. Me wants.