Looking to add more games to your Nintendo library? Well you're in luck because Humble Bundle is having a fantastic bundle called Friends of Nintendo bundle. By only paying just $1 (or your regional currency), you can bag up to 3 games. The more you pay, the more games you will get. The games featured as are:
(Pay $1 (69p) or more to unlock)
- Retro City Rampage DX (Vblank Entertainment) (3DS)
- Affordable Space Adventures (Nifflas Games/KnapNok Games) (Wii U)
- Shantae & The Priates Curse (WayForward) (You get both Wii U and 3DS!!)
- Citizens of Earth (Atlus) (Wii U or 3DS)
- Rhythm Thief & The Emperor's Treasure (SEGA) (3DS)
- Freedom Planet (Wii U) (Galaxy Trail)
- Retro City Rampage DX 3DS Theme
- Super Street Fighter IV (CAPCOM) (3DS)
- Darksiders II (THQ) (Wii U)
But however, they will be more next week. And the best part is, they remembered Europe is time around. If you want to grab these awesome games for whatever amount you amount, now it's a great time to do so. So get them while it's hot!! https://www.humblebundle.com/friends-of-nintendo-3ds-wiiu
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