Meet Limited Run Games. An awesome publishing company who has been publishing indie titles for indie developers and fans who really love to a have indie games in their collection. Since the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita were region free. They have been producing very limited physical copies such as Octodad, Oddworld New n' Tasty, Saturday Morning RPG which Europe does not have in their European Store as of yet, Futuridum, Xeodrifter and Breach & Clear which is their first published title.
However, these boxed copies can only be bought on their website and once they are all sold out, that's it. So if you really wish to have any game as a physical box. You have to get it as early as possible. You will never that the Limited Run published games will become collector's items and is worth hundreds. In this list we will list down the 10 games that need the physical treatment. This is not a top 10. Just the 10 games that really needs it. Also, we do not count already-published indie games or Nintendo exclusives since one, some games already had the physical treatment (sorry Shovel Knight, RCR DX and Teslagrad), and two, Nintendo systems are region locked.
You know, FuturLab never had any Limited Run treatment thus far. We know the game was released few years ago and was given away via PlayStation Plus. With excellent gameplay, soundtrack and much more, in my opinion FuturLab should make a deal with Limited Run to produce Limited Run copies for both PSVita and PS4. If EastAsiaSoft made a deal, I'm sure FuturLab could pretty much do it once they make a new IP.
And so did Curve Digital along with all of their titles. Curve Digital has been a major supporter for the PlayStation Vita. With addictive gameplay, challenging puzzles and locked on 60fps on both PlayStation systems. I think this would make a great candidate. Now because both games may have small file sizes. They could cram in two games into one cartridge like what Sony did with their HD compilations. Make it happen Curve Digital.
Not going to say this, I love this game, the graphics were colourful, precise touch-screen control and runs perfectly on the PlayStation Vita without any lag or crashes. Drinkbox Studios did an excellent job. A Limited Run physical version is a must. While I bought it a few months ago. I never got around to play it. If you never played it, you should give it a try. I mean, who doesn't love to see the beautiful art-style on the PSVita boxart?
Enter Image & Form Games. the studio that has developed two steampunk games for pretty much every single platform, Steamworld Dig, a digging game where you collect loot and upgrades. And Steamworld Heist, a 2D turn-based strategy game where you defeat enemy robots using fancy trick shots and collect loot. Since these games turn out great. I would love to see the psyhical treatment from Limited Run.
This game got both PSVita, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 versions and they were cross-buy. Since these games were cross-buy compatible. A cross-buy code could be bundled into any copies of the game. This means getting all 2500 codes from Klei Entertainment would be a bother. However, Few of SCE's psyhical titles actually had cross-buy enabled with the PlayStation Vita and so did the upcoming Mighty No.9 as it was advertised on the box. This gorgeous survival horror would make a great Limited Run edition. All DLC and cross-buy included.
5. OLLI-OLLI 1+2
Limited Run Edition with two games in one cartridge? Yes please! I really like Roll7's OlliOlli games. 60fps per second, no load times, no lag but there was a crash at first until it got patched out. They were also great for break times. I don't care if these games came bundled or separate. It would be great.
Super Meat Boy is one of the most popular indie games of all time and was almost released on every platform. It was even given away for PlayStation Plus subscribers. Now how about a Limited Run release of this popular indie game? It has to happen. The PSVita version is flawless with no frame drops after all even with all those particles used. A Limited Run physical release needs to happen.
Now, we all know that the PSVita version did not Binding of Issac Aftermath. But both versions got Binding of Issac Rebirth. Binding of Issac however is a another one of those great titles worth playing today. It plays just like the dungeons in The Legend of Zelda except you shoot...tears? I would love to see a Limited Run release of this game.
Playrise has finally brung back the Micro Machines in 3D. Even though there were two different games in the series. I would like to see the Limited Run release of this game. The game is very challenging, no-frame drops and good quality graphics for the Vita handheld. Even though the game is challenging, it does have it's charm.
And before we reveal the last one. Here's some honorable mentions:
- Forma.8
- Kick & Fennick
- Goat Simluator
- Rocketbirds 1+2
- Flame Over
- Dragon Fantasy
- Siralim
Even though I have yet to play this game as of yet. I heard it's a great Metroidvania title but unfortunely, I couldn't get my hands on it due to budget constraints and want to save up. Not only it would make a great candidate for PlayStation Plus but also for the Limited Run range. With a great dark story and interesting levels. This is the one for PSVita owners.
I am aware that Steamworld Heist and Super Meat Boy are getting physical copies for PS4. However this list was created before they were announced for retail copies.