20 Years Ago, SEGA felt that they needed new cool mascot to rival against Nintendo's famous video game character called Mario and to increase more sales for their 16-bit Mega Drive unit (Genesis if you're from the USA). He is the one that replaced Alex Kidd, he is the one that inspired many cartoon characters, he is the one that rivaled Mario. And he is the one that had super-speed and even curls into a ball. His name is Sonic The Hedgehog! One of the most iconic video game mascots in the 1990's next to Mario, Pac-Man and Megaman.
Even though Nintendo's NES was home to most popular games such as Castlevania, Megaman, Mario and many more. The Mega Drive had perfect arcade quality ports and later on it was home to the blue hedgehog. Sonic himself. He was all about speed, collecting the rings, get all the chaos emeralds. thwart the evil Dr. Robotnik to save the animals from becoming robotic salves. One year later, Sonic had a two-tailed sidekick fox named Tails hence he has two tails for a weird reason. SEGA had a major success with Sonic during the Mega Drive age. And yes I own Sonic Spinball. Sonic 3D Blast and Sonic CD too but back then, I never owned these games as a real physical copy for my real SEGA systems.

Until, SEGA struggled with Sonic Xtreme. After many delays and cancellations, the game got cancelled and instead. We got three average Sonic titles which are Sonic R, a very short foot-racing games with only 5 tracks! Sonic Jam, a compilation with Sonic ROM's slapped on as well as a 3D area. And Sonic 3D Blast, the first Sonic game that was made by a third-party developer. Traveller's Tales helped out development of both Sonic R and Sonic 3D Blast. I don't know why SEGA struggled to market 5 consoles at one time. Yet again, the Saturn lost the console war to PlayStation due lack of good titles and even a good Sonic game. But still, it's great for arcade ports.
However, Sonic had some great games and some bad games. But it doesn't stop the blue blur from being popular. When I was a kid, I too used to play on Sonic The Hedgehog as well as watched The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon back then. It was great until I finally got to play the legit version on the Mega Drive along with Sonic the Hedgehog 2. It's a shame I never owned many Sonic games....Until now. But hey, I still love him none of the less. So anyway. I'm just going to leave you with a couple of Sonic related videos.
Happy 20th Anniversary Sonic the Hedgehog
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