Move over Call of Duty, it seems Id Software isn't ready for a break yet as Id Software announced yet a another project they have been working on behind closed doors and was never leaked once.
Enter Quake Champions! A new multiplayer arena shooter which features similar gameplay from Quake III Arena and new abilities and powerups (as well as old returning ones such as the famous Quad Damage). Staying true to the old-school formula, the game will feature classes and it is most likely that the game will not have this 2-weapon limit which is great and one great thing is. Id Software are working on it!! Not Raven Software, Not Splash Damage, Not Machine Games, Not Certain Affinity, Not Grey Matters. Just Id Software working yet a another kick-ass game. One unfortunate thing is that Id Software doesn't have any plans to bring Quake Champions to Xbox One or PlayStation 4 but I would really love to see those versions being made. Overall, Quake III Arena did receive console ports on PlayStation 2 and the Dreamcast. Check out the reveal trailer below. And Epic, you now have competition again:
Also, except more news on E3 later on as I'm not done....yet.
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